York Arrow

Andy Uttley (Easter Arrows and Trails)

To enter an Arrow, the team captain should purchase a brevet by choosing one of the items below. This will create an initial event entry which will appear on your dashboard as an available DIY entry. Click on the link "you have x DIY brevets available to enter" and in the DIY entry screen choose Andy Uttley as the organiser.

  • In the summary of ride enter the names and membership numbers of your team members plus a description of the route
  • Set the ride date to 18/4/25
  • Upload a proposed gpx track for your route if you are planning to be validated by gps
  • The event organiser will then create entries for your team members - these will appear on each member's dashboard
  • If validating by GPS, each team member should upload their ridden track via the dashbaord - expand the event by clicking on the down arrow and click on "upload track"

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