How to... enter a mandatory route DIY

Mandatory route DIY are suitable for routes that would be considered to be 'under-distance' using the 'shortest route between controls' or would need an excessive number of controls to define them adequately.

The process is as automated as we can currently make it but consists of the same basic steps as any other DIY.

  • Buy Virtual Brevets from the Store page
  • Plan Route
  • Complete the Entry Form
  • Ride
  • Send the proof of your ride to the organiser (by uploading your GPS tracklog).

In more detail:

  1. Pay for the event by buying a virtual brevet.DIY organisers nominally have regional responsibilities but you can choose to purchase cards from any Organiser – it doesn’t matter where you live or where you intend to ride.
    Note that there is a discount for purchasing three or more at a time, but once purchased they are not interchangeable between organisers.
  2. Decide on the distance you’d like to ride. DIYs are validated at distances of 50km, 100km, 150km, 200km, and then at 100km intervals up to 1,000km or more.
  3. Next, plan your route, & define your controls. You'll need a gpx or tcx file of your Intended Route. This may be sourced from a GPX Tracklog if you have previously ridden the exact route or may be created using an online Route planning tool. In order for your ride to be considered an “Audax” ride you’ll need to define some controls. Typically these might be where you intend to stop for refreshment. Controls should be at intervals around the route of between 50 km and 80 km. Events of 100km or less should have at least one intermediate checkpoint in addition to the start/finish.
  4. Complete the entry form. Don’t forget to upload the route that you plan to ride, as either a .gpx or a .tcx. You will need to choose a ride date but you can change it later. If in doubt set it well into the future as once it is in the past you can't modify it yourself.
  5. If you want the organiser to check your route in advance, you’ll need to ask specifically for this and enter in plenty of time, at least two weeks before you plan to ride. If it’s a route you’ve ridden before or you are an experienced DIYer who is confident that your route meets the requirements then you can submit your entry much closer to the day. 
  6. If you need to change your ride date, do this before setting off. You can modify it from your dashboard screen (Upcoming events section), or otherwise let the organiser know by email.
  7. After your ride upload the recorded GPS tracklog using the form accessed from the event in your "Upcoming and Pending" list.
  • The tracklog should be either a .gpx file contain a track or tracks, a .tcx file, a .fit file
  • If there are several files you can combine them in a .zip file
  • Zipping also works to reduce file size if your file is too big for our upload limits.
  • If there are several tracks in your file – you do not need to join them up.
  • If there is ‘stationary’ time at the beginning & end of your tracks you do not need to remove it (but please do remove any track segments or distance unrelated to your DIY ride).
  • Upload Problems? Troubleshooting Guide

There are elements in the tracklog file that AUK uses to help validate that the ride was completed:

  • on a bicycle
  • with a functioning GPS device to ensure route integrity,
    within time limits. 

Processing the file in some software or websites can remove some of those elements and give the appearance of tracklog created by a computer. AUK expects ‘raw data’ as far as possible.

With the Mandatory Route System successfully recording a GPS Tracklog on your ride is essential if your ride is to be validated. The requirement to show exactly where you have ridden means there is no option to substitute this with other proof.

So please remember:

  • To charge your GPS batteries before you set off.
    Take spare batteries (or a powerpack to recharge the internal battery).
  • Understand the limitations of your device, especially on long events some Edge units are prone to ‘crash’.
  • You may need to save the track at intervals and start a new one.
  • Take a spare GPS unit if you have one.
  • If you've no spare, consider downloading a tracker app to your smartphone.
  • Don’t forget to switch your GPS on … and check it is still on after every stop.