
AUK regulations state 'all riders must have 3rd party liability insurance cover for the duration of an event'.

To promote access to AUK events, public liability insurance is provided by AUK’s insurers to affiliated and temporary members.

This insurance applies to Audax UK authorised events in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. Cover commences when riders sign on at the assembly point for the event and ceases from the point when the event closes, or from the point the rider signs off on completing the ride or otherwise abandons or cuts short the ride.

Riders alleged to have been at fault for an incident where a third party has been injured, or their property damaged, are provided with up to £5 million of Public Liability cover in respect of a successful third party claim.

The policy is subject to a £500 excess payable by the rider incurring the liability. The policy covers legal liability for damages, legal costs and expenses in the event of negligence only and does not cover deliberate acts.

AUK insurance does not cover everyday cycling, riding to and from an event or participation in CTT events as AUK members and it does not cover any other risks. Members are therefore strongly encouraged to take out individual insurance to cover their cycling activities generally.

Employee Liability, Public & Products Liability cover is also provided for AUK staff and volunteers, i.e., all those involved in delivering Audax UK authorised events including registered organisers and helpers.

A copy of the policy is provided here. with the associated liability policy wording and employer liability certificate. For more information contact the General Secretary.


What do I do if I become aware of an incident?


Every incident, particularly those involving personal injury, should be immediately reported to the event organiser.


What type of incident should be reported?


  • Any accident or injury occurring during an AUK event
  • Any circumstance during an AUK event that involves damage to third party property

If you are unsure as to whether an incident should be reported then please do not hesitate to
contact the General Secretary for further advice.


IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you admit liability or agree to pay for any damage caused as this may prejudice the position of Insurers and COULD result in the withdrawal of any indemnity.


This is a summary of full terms and conditions of policy number BP07091-2301 provided by Marsh Ltd taken out by Audax UK with Burns & Wilcox Limited, a company authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

See Background Image