Register for your Audax UK account

ENTERING AN EVENT ONLINE AS A NON-MEMBER? Please complete this online form so we can record your details and verify your email address. Registration is free. JOINING AUDAX UK? Please start by filling this online form to register. Once you have activated your account you can choose your subscription. Online registration is preferred, but alternatively you can download and print the form via the "Offline Registration Form" button, complete it and then mail it to us.


Your identified gender
Mandatory for under 18s. If not filled, you will not be eligible for any age-related awards or for life membership in the future.
Passwords need to be at least 8 letters and contain 1 number or special characters
Passwords need to be at least 8 letters and contain 1 number or special characters


This will be used as your logon name, so must be unique in our database. All registered riders and members must have their own distinct email address. If this causes a problem for membership you need to fill in the “paper” form and send it to us (either electronically or by post)
This will be copied to event entries and made available to organisers, so a mobile number is preferred where possible.
This will be copied to event entries and made available to organisers.
This will be copied to event entries and made available to organisers.


This will determine which membership types are available to you as we charge a postal supplement for Arrivee for those outside the UK/Channel Islands/Isle of Man. If you cannot select the correct country please contact
Please use the postcode lookup service if possible – this ensures UK addresses are recognised by the Royal Mail and therefore keeps postage charges as low as possible.

Communication preferences

By default, non members registered to enter events will only receive communications related to those events. Members will always receive essential mails such as renewal notices and AGM voting papers directly related to their membership. If you select "All Mails", we may additionally send mails related to other AUK activities such as information about forthcoming events. You can change this selection at any time.

Audax UK Event Entry Terms

By registering with Audax UK you accept the terms and conditions below for event entry

Human check