Randonneur Series Awards

As with Brevet awards, some require all rides to be completed within one Randonneur Year, which runs from November 1st to October 31st. (except 2012-2019 - 1 month earlier), while others may be achieved over multiple years and will need to be claimed.

Each ridden event can used towards more than one different award, but not for repetitions of the same award.


Award Recipients

The Randonneur 500 award was introduced by AUK in 1996 and consists of the series 50 km, 100 km, 150 km, 200 km BR(M), all completed in the same Randonneur year. You can substitute longer distances for shorter, but only rides up to and including 200km may be used and you must ride at least 4 events.


Award Recipients

The Randonneur 1,000 award was introduced by AUK in 1996 and consists of the series 100 km BP,  200 km BR(M), 300 km BR(M) plus another  400 km worth of events (eg a 400 or a 100 + 300 km or 2 x 200 km etc), all completed in the same Randonneur year. You can substitute longer distances for shorter, but only rides up to and including 400km may be used and you must ride at least four events.


Award Recipients

The Super Randonneur award was established by ACP in 1977 and is the ‘gold standard’ award.
It consists of the BR(M) series: 200 km, 300 km, 400 km, 600 km, all completed in the same Randonneur year.
A longer distance can be substituted for a shorter. Like Randonneur, the title Super Randonneur is a once and for
always award.


Award Recipients

Add a 1000 km ride to your Super Randonneur series and you'll be a Randonneur 2500.
Or to put it another way, ride a 200, 300, 400, 600 and 1,000 km all in 1 season





Award Recipients

The Randonneur 5,000 award was created in 1998 and is obtained by riding BR or BRM events totalling 5,000 km in a Randonneur year. You may count the same rides towards your Super Randonneur.


Award Recipients

The Randonneur 10,000 award was created in 1998 and is obtained by riding BR or BRM events totalling 10,000 km in a Randonneur year.
You may count the same rides towards your Super Randonneur but your R10000 supersedes your R5000.


Award Recipients

Established in 1998 for those who complete 10 Super Randonneur series. Only one series per year counts, and the series do not have to be consecutive. It should be calculated automatically, but if you think you have earned it and are not shown on the results please send a Claim Form to the Recorder


Award Recipients

Created in 2016 and added to in 2024, the multi-season Randonneur 25,000, 50,000, 75,000 and 100,000 are awarded to those who, within any period of time, complete BR, BRM, ACP or RM events comprising a total distance of at least those km distances at randonneur standard.
Claim form here.


All Time List

Audax UK maintains a list of all recipients of the Randonneur 10,000 award (see above).

To puchase medals and badges for these awards visit the shop